Advancing transformative change in a pivotal moment for global environmental governance - reflections from COP16
With the resumed Biodiversity COP16 concluding in Rome this week this blog by Stephen Woroniecki, Focali representatives at COP16 and fellow in the IPBES Transformative Change assessment, takes us through his experience of these milestone events for global environmental governance and shares key insights gained and needs ahead.
Call for talks to the Focali annual meeting, March 13
Welcome to submit your talk for the Focali annual meeting 2025. This year we will engage through speed talks, along with several shorter pitches in addition to the other sessions and time for discussion and networking.
Work Stream: “Forest and ecosystem restoration – with people for multiple benefits”
Focali is currently developing several new work streams on various topics and research - policy - practice interactions to facilitate collaboration, exchange and outreach. This post is a presentation of one of the work streams in the pipeline stay tuned for more information about activities and involved researchers and partners.
Yangambi DRC Axel Fassio CIFOR
Work Stream: “The role of Social Dimensions of Biodiversity – in Research, Policy and Practice”
Focali is currently developing several new work streams on various topics and research - policy - practice interactions to facilitate collaboration, exchange and outreach. This post is a presentation of the second work stream launched. More work streams on various topics are in the pipeline, stay tuned for more information and connect if you are interested to find out more.
Photo: Marlon del Aguila Guerrero (CIFOR)
Work Stream: “The EU Deforestation Regulation – from policy to impact”
Focali is currently developing several new work streams on various topics and research - policy - practice interactions to facilitate collaboration, exchange and outreach. This post is a presentation of the first work stream launched. More work streams on various topics are in the pipeline, stay tuned for more information and connect if you are interested to find out more.
Photo: Nanang Sujana/CIFOR
Meet Focali representatives Jesica Lopéz and Stephen Woroniecki at COP16 in Colombia
Preparations are gearing up for the 16th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD COP16) to be held in Cali, Colombia, October 21-November 1. Focali will have two representatives from the network present. Neil Palmer/CIAT.