Call for talks to the Focali annual meeting, March 13

Welcome to submit your talk for the Focali annual meeting 2025. This year we will engage through speed talks, along with several shorter pitches in addition to the other sessions and time for discussion and networking. For over 15 years Focali has bridged forest, climate, biodiversity and livelihoods research with policy and practice. These safe spaces for mutual learning between disciplines and sectors are more needed than ever. We invite you to join this opportunity for networking and knowledge exchange, to contribute to and benefit from it based on your own insights.

Read more about the Focali annual meeting 2025 on this event page.

Submit your contribution via this call for talks

What? The talks can e.g., present key findings from research and programmes, highlight knowledge gaps in policy and practice or take the form of a short pitch to share new ideas or projects that you are working on perhaps something where you seek others to collaborate with ahead. Welcome to fill in this form and let us know how you would like to contribute to the annual meeting! We will get back to by the call deadline to let you know if and how you will be included in the program.

How long? Speed-talks should be max. 5 min with 1-5 slides. A pitch should be max. 3 min with 1-3 photo slides. You can see recorded 3 min pitch talks from the 2023 Focali annual meeting on Focali you tube.

Deadline for submission: Since the event is taking place soon Focali relevant talks will be accepted before the final deadline on February 21, or until the program is full.

Please note that this call is only for submission of talks for the Focali annual meeting March 13 in person in Stockholm. A separate link to register for the Focali annual meeting and the preliminary program are available on the event page.

Questions about the call or annual meeting? Please contact Maria Ölund, Project Manager of Focali:


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