Focali at IUFRO World Congress 2024
Focalimembers Aida Bargués Tobella and Francisco X. Aguilar interview Éliane Ubalijoro, Chief Executive Officer CIFOR-ICRAF and Director General of ICRAF during the SLU global mingle in the exhibition area on the first day of the IUFRO World Congress.
Activities below involve Focalimembers and close partners during the IUFRO World Congress 2024 taking place in Stockholm June 23-29. It is an impressive list of 30 activities and even more members are involved in the congress among the 4000+ attendees!
All week:
The Focali Project Manager Maria Ölund will be at IUFRO and can meet up in the Agroforestry Network booth in the exhibition area or elsewhere. The Agroforestry Network has a booth where all partners including Focali and SIANI are represented. Pick up a Focali flyer in the booth (from Tuesday) and watch short videos from the Focali – SIANI collaboration and Focalimembers on the screen in the booth. Focalimembers working with other partners in the Agroforestry Network such as Vi-skogen and SIWI will also be present in the booth part of the week.
E-poster by Focalimember Chandrakant Singh: Landholders leverage over moisture flows and forest resilience in South America, at the E-poster stands, as the posters will rotate continuously.
Monday, June 24
12.30 – 13.50
Mingle in the SLU Booth in the exhibition area: Global Mingle “Shared science, bright solutions” in the SLU Booth. Focalimembers Aida Bargués Tobella and Francisco X. Aguilar will interview three global partners and researchers as Éliane Ubalijoro, Chief Executive Officer CIFOR-ICRAF and Director General of ICRAF.
Side Event: Five Public Sweden Perspectives: The Role of Forests for Society – Beyond Wood and Carbon. Focalimember Florence Pendrill Formas (Chalmers alumni) and Focali partners Sida and the Swedish Forest Agency among panelists. Room K11
Poster presentation with Focalimembers Torsten Krause and Fariborz Zelli, LUCSUS - LU: Environmental Human Rights Defenders – Change Agents at the Crossroads of Biodiversity, Climate Change and Cultural Heritage. In poster session 3 Forest governance (Pot 3), poster stand 30.
Oral presentation by Focalimember Caroline S S Franca Chalmers: Putting numbers on (un)certainties in the traceability-illegality-risk nexus: the case of Pará, Brazil. Session T2.2: At the edge: (Il)legal and (il)legitimate. Room B6.
Oral presentation by Focalimember Rosa Goodman SLU: The Wood Solution—Creating a high-value timber industry in the Global South. Session T5.4 Between synergies and conflicts: public and private forest governance initiatives in the context of turbulent times. Room K16’
Tuesday, June 25
08:30 - 10:30 AM
Oral presentation by Focalimember Oskar Englund: Exploring the potential of multifunctional fast-growing tree plantations using geoexplicit modeling. Session T2.8 Fast-Growing Trees for a Greener Future: Global Applications of Nature-Based Solutions. Room K11
08:30 - 10:30 AM
Oral presentation by Focalimember Marien González-Hidalgo SLU: Struggles and limits for territorial sovereignty in the context of forest extractivism: cases in Galicia, Spain and Araucania Region in Southern Chile. Session T4.10 Finding paths in everyday forest negotiations – towards sustainability and justice in climate transitions. Room K14.
Oral presentation by Jenny Friman, UU: Inclusive multi-use forestry adoption in Sweden through social learning networks., Session T.10 Finding pats in everyday forest negotiations - towards sustainability and justice in climate transitions.
Policy brief launch by the Agroforestry Network (of which Focali is a member) on the Innovation stage. The Policy brief “Leveraging agroforestry for bioenergy security in Sub-Saharan Africa and Southeast Asia” is written by Selorm Kugbega SEI. Focalimembers Gert Nyberg, Natxo Garcia and
Malin Lundberg Ingemarsson among the reviewers. The Agroforestry Network has a booth in the exhibition area where all partners including Focali are represented. Pick up a Focali flyer in the booth (from Tuesday) and watch videos from the Focali – SIANI collaboration on the screen in the booth including videos with Focalimembers. The Focali Project Manager Maria Ölund will be at IUFRO and can meet up in the booth or elsewhere.
Oral by poster presentation by Focalimember Arvid Lindh SLU: Functional traits to predict financial value of enrichment planting in degraded tropical forests. Session T3.12 - Forest Restoration Success and How to Achieve it. Poster stand 24.
Side event with IKEA: Sow a Seed 25 years of IKEA-funded rainforest restoration in Borneo: lessons learned and the future, Room: K21, Involving Focalimember Ulrik Ilstedt SLU.
Oral by poster presentation by Focalimember Aida Bargués Tobella SLU: Determinants of field-saturated soil hydraulic conductivity across sub-Saharan Africa: Texture and beyond. Poster Session 5. Monitoring and modelling (Pot 5). Room Poster 12.
Forest Policy and Justifying Role of Science in Tropical Countries. A High-Level Policy Panel Dialogue. Involving Focali relevant themes and speakers as Robert Nasi, Maria Brockhaus, Pablo Pacheco and moderator Purabi Bose.
Oral presentation by Focalimember Aida Bargués Tobella SLU: Explore before you restore: incorporating complex systems thinking in ecosystem restoration. Session T3.12 Forest Restoration Success and How to Achieve it. Room A8
16:13 - 16:26
Oral presentation by Focalimember Rosa Goodman, SLU: The Wood Solution–An integrated industrial system in which wood buildings drive large-scale restoration & sustainable development across the tropics. Session T2.10 Forest-based Bio-economy Prospects in Africa.
Oral presentation by Focalimember Ulrik Ilstedt SLU: Learning from operational restoration and research in the INIKEA – Sow-a-Seed restoration project. Session T3.12 Forest Restoration Success and How to Achieve it. Room A8
Wednesday, 26 June
SIANI, Focali, SLU Global and SEI arrange a networking mingle on the sidelines of IUFRO with the aim to bring together IUFRO attendees with other actors and individuals based in Sweden, sharing the same interests in global forests and sustainable development issues.
Excursions: IVL will via Mistra Digital Forest arrange in-congress excursion no 14) Digitalization for sustainable forest management. Focalimember Eskil Mattsson IVL will participate in the congress.
Thursday, 27 June
Oral presentation by Focalimember Jesica López CEC-LU: Systems analysis as a tool in land use planning with special reference to Northwest of the Colombian Amazon. Session T4.21: National perspective of Forest resources policy and governance in countries of Latin America under a sustainable perspective. Room: K13
Poster presentation by Focalimember Jenny Friman, UU: Exploring social learning in multi-use forestry and family forest owners as grassroots agents for alternative forest management. Session T4.19 Institutional and social innovations in the forest-based sector as a response to contemporary challenges.
Friday, 28 June
Panel session organizer and moderator Focalimember Torsten Krause LUCSUS with Andrew Tilker. Session: T3.35 - Wildlife use and defaunation in the world’s forest - what do we know about its impacts and responses? Theme 3: Forest biodiversity and its ecosystem services. Room: K24.
08:47 - 09:04
Oral Presentation by Focalimember Carlos A. Hernandez -Velez, LUCSUS: Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) for Sustaining Tropical Forest, Wildlife and Local Livelihoods. In session above led by Focalimember Torsten Krause. Room: K24
Oral Presentation by Focalimember Harry Fischer SLU: Re-storying forests as animated through foundational fauna. In session above led by Focalimember Torsten Krause. Room K24
12:40 - 12:45
Poster presentation Focalimember Rosa Goodman, SLU: Undoing colonial legacies and reversing the trajectory of indigenous tree and forest management in Kenya. Poster session 8 - Forest management (Pot-8)
Sub-plenary Session 5.1: Forest Futures arranged by the Forest, Trees and Agroforestry Partnership that Focali and SIANI are part of together with CIFOR-ICRAF and many other global forest actors. Focalimember Toby Gardner SEI and Trase is one of the panelists.
Saturday, June 29
09:00 - 10:00
Oral presentation by Marien González-Hidalgo: Five archetypes to discuss gender, gender roles and forest fires in the context of extractivism and climate change. Session: S5.5 Integration of gender and diversity perspectives in knowledge production. Room A4